
  • Launch of Fjellpulken Traverse expedition pulks

    If I understand it correctly Fjellpulken have recently launched two new expedition pulks: The Traverse 145 and the Traverse 165. They both look impressive. Unfortunately information about the pulks at Fjellpulken’s homepage is only available in Norwegian. I guess information in English will be added by them later. Explore our brand new, robust, lightweight pulk…

  • The Skippo navigation app

    Some say that plotters are a thing of the past, that there are other alternatives just as good or better. I don´t know what to believe, but I do believe curiosity should be a leading star in life. Skippo was founded in Stockholm 2022 with the goal of simplifying boat life and inspiring life at…

  • Ship´s lamp for the saloon

    When evenings are dark and chill is running through the saloon it´s nice to have a ship´s lamp down below. Just one oil lamp can make such a big difference to the boating experience, providing both warmth and cozy light. For our old boat we had a ship´s lamp hanging from the roof. We used…